Search the Hub


More about the search

The search is based on exact text modules. This means, if the search term you entered – or any part of the search term – exactly matches a term in an article or in the description texts of a video, then this article or video is displayed as a result of your search. Hits of search terms are rated differently depending on where the search term is found. For example, a hit in the title of the article or video is rated higher than a hit in the body text. The hit points calculated in this way determine the order of the results. The more hit points, the higher the ranking in the list. If the number of hit points is the same for several articles or videos, more recent articles or videos are ranked first. Videos are displayed as a separate group, below the group of articles.

Articles and videos can be searched here as well. The search logic is the same, only the visualization of the results is done in a grid.