Leopold Rittler
Donau Soja

Leopold Rittler (Dipl.-Ing.) is an agronomist with broad experience in managing natural resources. His work has combined broad practical skills gained in farming and food manufacture in the Pannonian area of Austria and in Alpine areas with theoretical knowledge related to legume-supported arable and grassland farming to assess sustainable land use systems in Central Europe. Since 2015, Rittler has been responsible for the coordination of the research and innovation activities in DS (Vienna) and serves as Secretary to the DS Scientific Advisory Board.
Leopold Rittler
Donau Soja
Donau Soja
List of contributions
- Soybean flowering in the north: Combination of Chinese and European genetics could support better adaptation of soybean to northern latitudes(2024)
- Grain legume production in Europe for food, feed and meat-substitution(2023)
- The European Legume Hub Community(2023)
- Transition to legume‑supported farming in Europe through redesigning cropping systems(2023)
- Genetic diversity in early maturity Chinese and European elite soybeans: A comparative analysis(2023)
- Guide for farms to plan small scale soya bean processing equipment(2020)
- Guide for assessing the protein quality in soya feed products(2020)
- Recommendations for using soya-based feedstuffs in pig husbandry(2020)
- Unprocessed soya beans low in trypsin inhibitors in organic pig fattening diets(2020)
- Using near-infrared tools to monitor heat damage in soya bean products(2021)
- Detecting heat damages in processed soya bean with NIR(2021)
- Посев сои зерновой сеялкой(2021)
- Semănatul soiei cu semănătoarea(2022)
- Water use and irrigation in soybean(2022)
- Perioada de semănat pentru soia(2022)
- Сроки посева сои(2022)
- Выбор сортов сои(2021)
- Переработка сои на ферме(2020)
- Prelucrarea boabelor de soia la fermă(2020)
- Переработка сои - методы и советы(2020)
- Prelucrarea soiei - metode și sfaturi(2020)
- Risk management of downy mildew in soybean(2021)
- Choosing soybean cultivars(2021)
- Drill-seeding of soybean(2021)
- Sowing time for soybean(2021)
- Painted lady in soybean production(2020)
- Bäuerliche Sojaverarbeitung(2020)Soja toasten für die Schweinefütterung
- On-farm soybean processing - Toasting soy for pig fattening(2020)
- Soja toasten auf dem eigenen Betrieb(2020)
- On-farm soybean processing(2020)
- Processing of soybean - methods and tips(2020)
- Verarbeitung von Sojabohnen(2020)Verfahren und Tipps
List of Legume viewpoints