The European Legume Hub is a permanent publication and dissemination platform for the legume innovation and community. We have modified it here to provide a page where attendees of the WSRC 11 can access various conference materials, including oral and poster presentations.

WSRC 11 Organizing Committee

Program of the WSRC 11
Book of Abstracts WSRC11
List of participants WSRC11
Oral presentations
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Plenary sessions
Opening ceremony
Facilitation by Leopold Rittler, Donau Soja, Austria
- Ricardo Abdelnoor, Embrapa, Brazil, Chair of WSRC Continuing Committee
- Matthias Krön, Donau Soja, Austria, Chair of the WSRC 11 Organizing Committee
- Norbert Totschnig, Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, Austria
- Leonore Gewessler; Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria
Opening research plenary: soybean research for sustainable development
Chair: Kristin Bilyeu, USDA/ARS and University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA
Scientific research is the major engine which ensures progress in soybean production and utilization for meeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. While FAO will present a global perspective on soybean challenges and achievements, a leading soybean research representative will provide insights into present and future technologies for sustainable soybean production.
- Jingyuan Xia, Director of Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP), FAO, Italy. Keynote: Optimization and minimization towards sustainable soybean production
- Istvan Rajcan, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada; member of the WSRC Continuing Committee; Keynote: Classical and modern technologies used world-wide for sustainable soybean production
European soybean session
- Changing protein patterns. Ruud Tijssens, Agrifirm, the Netherlands
- Production and processing of soybean in Europe. Leopold Rittler, Donau Soja, Austria
- The place of soybean in the European agricultural research system. Donal Murphy-Bokern, independent scientist, Germany
- Soybean breeding in Europe: Methods, sources and utilization. Jegor Miladinovic, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia
Panel discussion
Matthias Krön, Donau Soja, Austria | Rene van der Poel, ADM, Germany | Will Schreiber, 3Keel, United Kingdom | Lieven Callewaert, Collaborative Soy Initiative, the Netherlands | Ruud Tijssens, Agrifirm, the Netherlands | Moritz Teriete, Soy Network Switzerland, Switzerland
Soy in agricultural systems
- Potentials and challenges of regenerative farming systems for climate change adaptation in crop production. Gernot Bodner, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria
- Defining regenerative agriculture and opportunities for soy. Emily Scott, 3Keel Group Limited, United Kingdom
- Soybean within the no-till system: a farmers’ perspective. Marcelo Torres, Aapresid, Argentina
Panel discussion
Marcos Lana, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden | Iryna Brovko, Institute of Agrobiology, Ukraine | Marcelo Torres, Aapresid, Argentina | Gernot Bodner, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria | Emily Scott, 3Keel Group Limited, United Kingdom
Regional reports
- Regional report Canada. Nicole Mackellar, Soy Canada, Ontario, Canada
- Regional report United States. Brian Diers, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
- Regional report Argentina. Rodolfo Rossi, ACSOJA – Argentine Soybean Chain Association, Santa Fe, Argentina
- Regional report Brazil. Decio Gazzoni, Embrapa, Londrina, Brazil
- Regional report East Asia & Australia. Tianfu Han, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
- Regional report India & Africa Report. Gyanesh Kumar Satpute, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, India
Donau Soja
Vienna, Austria
Leopold Rittler, Head of R&I
A | Breeding, genetics, genomics, and biotechnology
A1 Soybean pangenome and genetic diversity
- Soybean pangenomics: global variation map for enhanced haplotype-based trait mapping. Henry Nguyen, University of Missouri, USA
- Evaluation and harnessing of diversity in soybean using the omics-based high-throughput strategies. Yinghui Li, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
- Improving wild germplasm utility using telomere-to-telomere assemblies and pangenomic graphs. Justin Vaughn, USDA-ARS and University of Georgia, USA
- Genetic and genomic bases of soybean domestication and diversification. Jianxin Ma, Purdue University, USA
A2 Innovations in breeding technology
- SoyMAGIC: An 8-parent multi-parent advanced generation inter-cross population for soybean genetic studies and breeding activities. Milad Eskandari, University of Guelph, Canada
- Mapping and selection for yield stability in soybeans. David L. Hyten, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, USA
- Tilling by sequencing to improve seed traits in soybean. Khalid Meksem, Southern Illinois University, USA
- Digital solutions in breeding. Maximilian Mayer, Wintersteiger, Austria
A3 Genomics-assisted breeding
- Using genomic data and machine learning to accurately predict the most promising crosses for multiple key traits of interest. François Belzile, Laval University, Canada
- New technologies enabling design-centered products at Bayer. Benjamin B. Stewart-Brown, Bayer Crop Science, USA
- Applied genomics for identification of causative mutations for accelerated soybean breeding and improvement. Mária Škrabišová, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
- Genomics-enabled breeding design and selection to improve the rate of genetic gain in soybean. Zenglu Li, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
A4 Seed composition
- Fine mapping and cloning of the major seed protein locus on chromosome 20. Brian Diers University of Illinois, USA
- Identification of a potential gene for elevating ω-3 concentration and its efficiency for improving the ω-6 / ω-3 ratio in soybean. Jeong-Dong Lee, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea
- Identification of the genes controlling yield and seed quality in soybean. Zhixi Tian, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- A single amino acid mutation in a transcriptional repressor increases oil and protein content in soybean. Bo Shen, Corteva, USA
- Differential gene expression of higher latitudes in soybean. Bahram Samanfar, Agriculture and Agri-food, Canada
- GmJAZ3 interacts with GmRR18a and GmMYC2a to regulate seed traits in soybean. Jin-Song Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
A5 Soybean genome editing
- Understanding nutrient uptake and resilience mechanism to water deficit conditions through gene-editing in soybean. Gunvant Patil, Texas Tech University, USA
- Accelerating gene discovery in soybean through genome editing. Minviluz G. Stacey, University of Missouri, USA
- Chromosome engineering for crop improvement. Sergei Svitashev, Corteva Agriscience, USA
- The first two elite soybean varieties genetically edited in South America. Polyana Martins, GDM Seeds, Cambé, Brazil
A6 Breeding for abiotic stress and climate change
- Genomic regions associated with C13 ratio and plasticity for improving water use efficiency in soybean. Larry Purcell and Jason Gillman, University of Arkansas, USA
- Adaptation of European cultivars to severe drought and moisture-favourable conditions. Danielle Cavalli, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Italy
- GWAS analysis reveal key loci associated with drought and water logging tolerance and root trait architecture in soybean. Milind Ratnaparkhe, Indian Institute of Soybean Research, India
- Legume biotechnology-reducing impact of climate change on soybean. Prem Bhalla, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Genetic diversity of heat stress tolerance in soybean. Liza van der Laan, Iowa State University, USA
A7 Germplasm collections and evaluation
- Building bridge between genomics and phenomics: discovering favorite alleles of Chinese soybean collections for breeding. Lijuan Qiu, Institute of Crop Sciences, CAAS, China
- Allele mining for yield and agronomic traits using a givers GWAS panel made up of modern Canadian and Chinese cultivars and the progeny of their crosses. Istvan Rajcan, University of Guelph, Canada
- Genetic diversity in early maturity Chinese and European elite soybeans: A comparative analysis. Xindong Yao, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- Development of genotyping tools for soybean germplasm genetic research. Qijian Song, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center USDA-ARS, USA
A8 Breeding for biotic stress
- New molecular tools for breeding Phytophthora sojae resistance in soybean. Richard Bélanger, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
- Synergistic R gene interactions in gene pyramids enhance resistance to soybean aphids. Gustavo Macintosh, Iowa State University, USA
- Breeding for resistance to soybean diseases in Michigan. Dechun Wang, Michigan State University, USA
- Integrating transgenic and native resistance for nematode management. Geeta Menon, BASF, USA and MIchael McCarville, BASF, USA
B | Food, feed, and nutrition
B1 Chemistry and nutrition of soybeans and soy products
- The untapped potential of soybeans for human nutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa. Juan E. Andrade Laborde, University of Florida, USA
- Novel and simple method to determine contents of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor and Bowman-Birk inhibitor in soybeans. Keshun Liu, U.S. Department of Agriculture, USA
- Effect of digestible essential to non-essential amino acids ratio on soybean meal productive energy (Arkansas Net Energy) in broilers: Implications beyond metabolizable and classic net energy. Craig N. Coon. University of Arkansas, USA
B2 Feed and aquaculture developments
- Fermented soybean meal and soy quality control for aqua feeds. Jan Van Eys, USSEC Europe, France
- Soy industry 4.0 is here. Is Europe ahead in rethinking innovation in value-added soy products? Iani Chihaia, Independent consultant, Romania
- Aqua feed extrusion with soy-based ingredients. Mian N. Riaz, Texas A&M University, USA
- The use of ultra-high protein, low oligosaccharides soybean meals varieties in aquaculture. Jorge Gallardo, Benson Hill, USA
- The case of novel ingredients in the feed and food industry: how to approach novelty. Sergio Nates, Prairie Aquatech, USA
B3 The future of soy is food
Keynote: Age of meat coming to an end? The future of soy is food, Mathilde Alexandre, ProVeg, Germany
Panel discussion I: Industry & products
Roland Snel, ADM, The Netherlands | Thomas Landert, Wenger Manufacturing, Switzerland | Martin Krenn, Bühler Group, Austria | Atsuto Ono, Someno’s TOFU, Japan | Mathilde Alexandre, ProVeg International, Germany
Panel discussion II: Soybean outlook
Matthias Krön, Donau Soja Organisation, Austria | Karla Canavan, WWF USA, USA | Anker Sørensen, KeyGene, The Netherlands | Josef Fraundorfer, Saatbau Linz, Austria
B4 Soy protein functionality and processing
- Connecting soybean fractionation to novel food applications. Atze Jan van der Goot, Wageningen University, Netherlands
- Effects of moltenglobule state and renaturation treatment on the structure and functional properties of soybean 11S globulin. Na Zhang, Harbin University of Commerce, China
- Tackling challenges in alternative protein food formulation with a focus on improving functionality and sensory appeal. Konstantina Kyriakopoulou, ADM, Netherlands
- Traditional fermented soybean products: emphasis on processing, microbial contribution, nutritional and biological activities. Xin Jia, China Agricultural University, China
B5 Soy foods, soy bioactives, and improvement for human health
- Influence of kori-tofu on lipid and glucose metabolism and its resistant protein content. Takahiro Ishiguro, Asahimatsu Foods, Japan
- Multifunctional bioactive peptides derived from soy protein hydrolysates antioxidant activity and inhibitory activity on α-glucosidase and α-amylase. Yue Xu, Harbin University of Commerce, China
- Spermidine in soybean: From genetic variation to health-promoting food products. Johann Vollmann, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
- Soybean isoflavone molecular breeding in China. Junming Sun, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
- Identification and validation of candidate genes controlling tocopherol synthesize pathway in soybean. Cheolwoo Park, The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Japan
B6 Assessing sustainability of soybean supply chains
- Sustainability assessment of soybean supply chains concepts methods and insights. Thomas Nemecek, Agroscope, Life Cycle Assessment research group, Zurich, Switzerland; Werner Zollitsch, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria
- Environmental impact of soybean products in the GFLI database. Mike van Paassen, Blonk Sustainability, Netherlands
- Disclosure of certified Donau Soja/Europe Soja soybean cultivation datasets. Davide Lucherini, Blonk Sustainability, Netherlands
- Carbon footprint of soybean crops associated with different agronomic management in the province of Tucumán Argentina between 2018 and 2021. Daniela Rossana Pérez, Estación Experimental Agroindustrial “Obispo Colombres” (EEAOC), Las Talitas, Argentina
- The role of soybean for re-designing European cropping systems. Marjana Vasiljevic, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
C | Agronomy, physiology, and agrotechnology
C1 Yield and seed composition response to environment
- Using on-farm research to identify highly productive regional soybean crop production systems. Mariana G. Borelli, Aacrea, Argentina
- Potential of soybean for relay cropping systems what we know and what we don’t. Jay-Ram Lamichhane, INRAE, France
- Using simple cultivar phenotyping and photothermal algorithm to explore the suitability of soybean crop in France. Philippe Debaeke, INRAE UMR AGIR, France
- Redefining soybean critical period. Anibal Cerrudo, University of Minnesota, USA
- Cropping system effects on maize and soybean yield and yield stability. Emerson Nafziger, University of Illinois, USA
- High temperature responses vary among soybean genotypes in open-air field conditions. Anna Locke, USDA-ARS, USA
C2 Using data-driven knowledge for profitable crop management
- History, impact, and future of data-driven efforts to improve soybean production and management. Shawn Conley, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Modeling soybean production and management through novel, data-driven approaches. Spyros Mourtzinis, AgStat, Greece
- On-farm approaches to improving data-centric efforts to improve soybean production and management. Laila Puntel, University of Nebraska, USA. Laura Lindsey, The Ohio State University, USA
C3 Soil fertility and plant nutrition
- Long-term corn-soybean rotation and soil fertilization impacts on yield and agronomic traits. Yingdong Bi, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Chin, The Ohio State University, USA
- Influence of biological seed treatment on soybean grain yield in the U.S. Fabiano Colet, The Ohio State University, USA
- From root-associated microbes to nutrients acquisition efficiency in soybean. Yongjia Zhong, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, China
- Critical phosphorus levels are required to optimize soybean’s biological nitrogen fixation capacity. Hannah Walling, Lancaster University, UK
- The soybean sugar transporter GmSWEET6 participates in sucrose transport towards fungi during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Xiurong Wang, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
C4 Soybean rhizosphere and nitrogen fixation
- Ecology, functions and application of (soybean) seed endophytes. Angela Sessitsch, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
- Catching rhizobia to introduce high protein containing soybean for a sustainable agriculture in Europe. Sofie Goormachtig, University Gent, Belgium
- How additional inoculation can improve N2 fixation and yield in soybean under field conditions in Denmark. Juliana Martins, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Keeping Bradyrhizobia Inoculant high quality standards a challenge for French farmer organizations and french. Xavier Pinochet, Terres Innovia, France
- Genetic diversity and symbiotic effectiveness of indigenous root nodulating bacteria associated with soybean in Benin (West Africa). Brice Gildas Sinhouenon, UClouvain, Belgium
- Core rhizosphere microbiota is associated with nutrient cycling in fieldgrown typical soybean varieties. Tianshu Wang, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
C5 Seed production, vigor and technology
- Molecular understanding of seed vigour acquisition during maturation. Julia Buitink, INRAE, France
- Exploiting genetic diversity of an early maturity GWAS collection to improve seedling establishment. Olivier Leprince, L’institut Agro Rennes Angers, France
- Improvement of soybean emergence by pretreatment with biostimulants. Jean-Christophe Avice, Université de Caen Normandie, France
D | Weeds, diseases, pests, and their management
D1 New and emerging pests and diseases
- Taproot decline of soybean, caused by Xylaria necrophora, an emerging threat to profitable soybean production in the southern United States. Tom Allen, Mississippi State University, USA
- GWAS and RNA-seq analyses to identify SNPs and candidate genes for target spot (Corynespora cassicola) resistance in soybean (Glycine Max). Jenny Koebernick, Auburn University , USA
- Integrating transgenics and native resistance for nematode management. Michael McCarville, BASF, USA
- A method to obtaining novel sources of resistance in soybean against SCN. Bahram Samanfar, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Canada
- Biological control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on soybean in Catamarca Argentina. Juliana Bleckwedel, ITANOA-EEAOC, Tucumán, Argentina
D2 Strategies for disease, pest and weed control
- The mining of soybean broad-spectrum resistance genes. Yuanchao Wang, Agricultural University, China
- A new distinct geminivirus causes soybean stay-green disease. Yi Xu, Nanjing Agricultural University, China
- A Faboideaespecific floral scent betrays seeds to the bean bug Riptortus pedestris (Fab.) from chemical ecology studies to an IPM strategy. Hao Xu, Nanjing Agricultural University, China
- Bio-based solutions: Reducing ecotoxicological impact in soybean cultivation. Agustín Biagioni, Rizobacter, Argentina
C3 Soil fertility and plant nutrition
- Cyber-agricultural systems for crop production. Asheesh K. Singh, Iowa State University, USA
- Citizen science shaping the future of AI applications in agriculture. Arti Singh, Iowa State University, USA
- UAS longitudinal phenotypes to measure and select soybean stress resilience. Katy Rainey, Purdue University, USA
- Ground versus aerial herbicide applications spray drift soybean impacts and regulatory implications. Thomas Butts, University of Arkansas, USA
- Method for detecting datura in high-resolution UAV images of soybean fields. Peter Riegler-Nurscher, Josephinum Research, Austria
- Listening to insects: using microphones and deep learning algorithms to monitor soybean pests. Emily Bick, University of Wisconsin, USA
D4 Managing disease, pest and weed resistance
- Documenting fungicide resistance in the southern United States: A continuing series of surveys from Mississippi. Tom Allen, Mississippi State University, USA
- Herbicide resistant weeds in South America. Fernando Adegas, Embrapa, Brazil
- Fungicide resistance in Cercospora sojina, causal agent of frogeye leaf spot: Detection and management in the USA. Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky, USA
- In vitro sensitivity of Corynespora cassiicola isolated from soybean to different chemical fungicides in north-western Argentina. Sebastian Reznikov, Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres (EEAOC) e Itanoa, Argentina
E | Business and legal
E1 Policy, and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- The European Union’s Deforestation Regulation and soya. Lieven Callewaert, Chair of the Collaborative Soy Initiative (CSI), Belgium
- How to stop deforestation properly. Ursula Bittner, Economics expert, Greenpeace in central and eastern Europe, Austria
- Deforestation and conversion-free soy supply chains. Guillaume Tessier, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Global Soy Lead, Brazil
- From shelf to field: why retailers are critical partners in the delivery of deforestation free soy. Will Schreiber, 3Keel Group Ltd., United Kingdom
W | Workshops
W1 Soybean for Africa
- Product profile aligned breeding in tropical soybean: a foundation for integrating quantifiable attributes into new varieties. Godfree Chigeza, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Lusaka, Zambia
- Seed Co’s commercial soybean variety attributes, distribution and availability across Africa. Mwila Chibanda, Seedco International Limited, Zambia
- The Pan African Trial platform, a novel and new seed system approach that works. Michelle da Fonseca Santos, Soybean Innovation Lab, USA
- Genetic gain, achievements and challenges of the IITA soybean breeding program in Nigeria: Implications for other West African countries. Abush Abebe, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
- Phylogenetic and seed composition stability analyses for cultivars in the USAID Soybean Innovation Lab Pan-African Soybean Variety Trials. Elizabeth De Meyer, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
- Evaluation of soybean genotypes for response to Coniothyrium glycines, the cause of red leaf blotch. Harun Murithi, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kenya
W2 Introduction to SoyBase (, the soybean breeder's toolbox
- Introduction to SoyBase (, the soybean breeder’s toolbox. Rex Nelson, USDA/ARS and Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
W3 Knowledge exchange for European soybean agronomists
- Report France, David Gouache, Terres Innovia, France
- Report Italy, Gemini Delle Vedove, University of Udine, Italy
- Report Austria, Wolfgang Kastenhuber, Agricultural Chamber of Upper Austria, Austria
- Report Serbia, Vuk Djordjevic, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, Serbia
- Report Ukraine, Iryna Brovko, Institute of Agrobiology, Ukraine
W4 Science For Success: A model program for applied research and extension outputs
- Science for success: A model for applied research and extension outputs. Shawn Conley, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- Science for success: A model for applied research and extension outputs. Laura Lindsey, Ohio State University, USA
- Science for success: A model for applied research and extension outputs. Jeremy Ross, University of Arkansas, USA
- Science for success: A model for applied research and extension outputs. Seth Naeve, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
W5 Advanced genotyping and phenotyping for organic soybean breeding (ECOBREED project)
W6 Soy processing technologies
- Soy processing technologies – How to determine the nutritional value of soybean products? Markus Wiltafsky-Martin, Evonik Industries, Germany
- Soybean processing – basics and problems from practice. Wolf-Carsten Wohlers, Amandus Kahl, Germany
- Food extrusion with soy-based materials. Natasa Taseski, Wenger Manufacturing, USA
- Overall solution approach of soy processing for feed. Michal Kaválek, Farmet, Czech Republic
W7 Soybean market developments
- Current situation and prospects of global supply and demand of soybeans. Thomas Mielke, ISTA Mielke – Oil World, Germany
- European soybean market, with special focus on the non-GM soya sector. Daniele Marcomin, Agriholism, Italy and Bertalan Kruppa, Donau Soja, Hungary
- Oilseed and vegetable oils markets of Ukraine and the Black Sea region. Trade flows shifts. 2022-2024. Sergey Feofilov, UkrAgroConsult, Ukraine
Poster presentations
List of posters of the WSRC 11
A Breeding, genetics, genomics, and biotechnology
- Implementation of molecular selection of soybean towards adaptation to Polish agroclimatic conditions; Danuta KurasiakPopowska
- Enhancing soybean breeding efficiency: A combined approach of genomic and phenotypic selection; Fernando Grignola
- Low temperature pretreatment of soybean seeds enhances plant field performance and the content of free metabolites; Anelia Iantcheva
- Identification of new resistance sources to soybean cyst nematode from the Korean soybean germplasm collection; Kyung Do Kim
- Data Strategies, Techniques, Principles, and Practices: Harnessing the Power of Genomics and Phenomics for Accelerating Soybean Improvement; Mohsen Yoosefzadeh Najafabadi
- Hyperspectral reflectance applications in soybean breeding research; Johann Vollmann
- Assessment of grain quality traits in a Chinese soybean diversity panel; Juan E. Rosas
- Deciphering transcriptional and metabolic regulation involved in plant-microbe interaction in soybean using Single-nuclei RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) technology; Gunvant Patil
- Physiological responses of Mexican soybean genotypes to water stress; Julio César García Rodríguez
- Protein and tofu quality: introgressing gy4 null allele into lipoxygenase free early Swiss line (000); Claude-Alain Betrix
- GmEIL4 enhances soybean (Glycine max) phosphorus efficiency by improving root system development; Dan Zhang
- The Allele Catalog Tool: A Web-Based Interactive Tool for Allele Discovery and Analysis; Yen On Chan
- Bioinformatics Tools and Frameworks for Translational Research; Yen On Chan
- Vegetable Soybean (Edamame): Challenges and Opportunities; Ramakrishnan Madhavan Nair
B Food, feed, and nutrition
- Argentina’s soybean meal: A threat or an opportunity in the sight? Guido D’Angelo
- Evaluation of off-flavor in soymilks made with Mexican soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars; Mónica LópezFernández
- Amino Acid profile evaluation on Argentinean on farm sampled soybean; Juan Martin Enrico
C Agronomy, physiology, and agrotechnology
- Responses of leaf expansion and plant transpiration of different soybean genotypes to soil water deficit; Lin Kang
- Soybean seedling emergence under current and future climate across Europe and the possibility for sowing date adaptations; Jay-Ram Lamichhane
- Projected future climate conditions for growing soybeans in Canada; Budong Qian
- Screening of Soybean Genotypes Based on Root Morphology and Shoot Traits Using the Semi-Hydroponic Phenotyping Platform and Rhizobox Technique; Mohammad Salim
- Relay-cropping of soybean cultivars into wheat for ecological intensification of agriculture; Philippe Debaeke
- Enzymatic activity of lipoxygenases from Mexican soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] varieties; Mónica López-Fernández
- Phenotyping of soybean phenology to temperature and photoperiod; Pierre Maury, Philippe Debaeke
- Sowing date as a factor that affects the yield and quality of soybean seeds; Magdalena SerafinAndrzejewska
- Chilling tolerance and early sowing of soybeans in Northern Germany; Christiane Balko
- Technological quality of soybean food-grade varieties and lines in northeast Italy; Thomas Lazzarin
- Nitrogen fertilizer application of commercial soybean farms and its impact on soybean yield and nutritional composition in Hungary; Ildikó Edit Tikász
- How fast can we plant soybean using advanced planting technology?; Michael Mulvaney
- Explaining environmental influence on isoflavone accumulation in soybean cotyledons and embryo axis; Jean Brustel
- Analysis of soybean maturity groups in northwestern Argentina; Fernando Ledesma, José Ramón Sánchez
- Preliminary results of underground drip irrigation on soybean and other crops, in Tucumán, Argentina; José Ramón Sánchez
- ECOBREED participatory trials as valuable tool for farmer involvement in soybean breeding process; Marjana Vasiljević
- Analysis of soybean maturity groups in northwestern Argentina; Fernando Ledesma, José Ramón Sánchez
D Weeds, diseases, pests, and their management
- Using cultivar traits and spatial arrangement as strategies to improve weed suppression in soybean; James Ajal
- Soybean Floral Display, Pollen Production, and Yield are Impacted by Simulated Drift Rates of Auxin Herbicides; Thomas Butts
- Volatile organic compounds for plant disease management; Dra Mercedes Scandiani
- Aggressiveness among isolates of Diaporthe caulivora, the main cause of stem canker of soybean in Uruguay; Jhon Larzábal
- The Green Stem and Foliar Retention Syndrome caused by Aphelenchoides besseyi in the Brazilian soybean crop; Mauricio C. Meyer
- Influence of two stink bug species (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) on soybean morphological traits; Željko Milovac
- Biological control of charcoal rot of soybean in Tucumán, Argentina; Juliana Bleckwedel
- Response of soybean advanced lines to Macrophomina phaseolina in northwestern Argentina; Fernando Ledesma
- Efficacy of a new molecule cyclobutrifluram to control charcoal rot on soybean in northwestern Argentina; Sebastian Reznikov
- D38-M3, new soybean variety resistant to Heterodera glycines for northwestern Argentina; Mario Rodolfo Devani
F Other themes
- Legume Hub: Europe’s knowledge platform for legumes; Jasmin Karer
- Jacquin and Haberlandt: Milestones of Austrian soybean history; Leopold Rittler
- Advances in crop and weed management of edamame grown in the United States; Marty Williams
External photo gallery