Our projects

All research project teams and consortia that support the development and use of legume crops in Europe are welcome to use the Hub as a platform for communication. These projects may be funded by the European Union, national and regional governments, and by the private sector. All existing publications, Hub articles, images and videos can be identified as coming from specific projects. This enables consortia build up their project-specific presence on the Hub. They can use the Hub to build a suite of communications within the Hub framework. At the same time, members of all consortia can use the Hub as their personal publishing platform, including the facility to self-publish Hub articles. The Hub combines the convenience of self-publishing articles that link research and crop development practice with the quality assurance provided by peer review.

The Hub provides a publication platform for the following projects:

Legume Gap
Logo Demonet ErBo
Legume Gap
Legume Gap
Legume Futures