Effects of legume cropping on farming and food systems

Moritz Reckling, Christine Watson, Donal Murphy-Bokern, Fred Stoddard, Sara Preissel, Peter Zander, Kairsty Topp
Posted: 10.06.2021
The analyses show that legumes are not a silver bullet, but a key component for a wider shift in agricultural production and consumption that reduce environmental impacts. They reduce environmental impacts of crop and animal production, but to achieve high reductions, further optimisations of livestock systems with respect to environmental impacts are required. On-farm feeding of home-grown legumes increases benefits further, although an on-farm feed producer may not achieve the efficiency of animal feed manufacturers, leading to higher feed costs and lower animal performance from farm-produced feeds.
  • Sara Preissel, Peter Zander, Kairsty Topp
  • 2014
  • The analyses show that legumes are not a silver bullet, but a key component for a wider shift in agricultural production and consumption that reduce environmental impacts. They reduce environmental impacts of crop and animal production, but to achieve high reductions, further optimisations of livestock systems with respect to environmental impacts are required. On-farm feeding of home-grown legumes increases benefits further, although an on-farm feed producer may not achieve the efficiency of animal feed manufacturers, leading to higher feed costs and lower animal performance from farm-produced feeds.

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    Reckling et al.
    Effects of legume cropping on farming and food systems
  • 2014. Effects of legume cropping on farming and food systems. Legume Hub. https://www.legumehub.eu



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About this article

Authors: Moritz Reckling, Christine Watson, Donal Murphy-Bokern, Fred Stoddard, Sara Preissel, Peter Zander, Kairsty Topp
Acknowledgement: Legume Futures has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant No. 245216.

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