Global Bean July meeting
On Thursday 14 of July is our next partners meeting at 15:30 (CEST), followed by an inspiring cooking session with pulses at 17:00 (CEST). Claudia (heldenküche) and Cecilia (Bean Beat) have put together an inspiring program and we are very much looking forward to both sessions with you!

Summer is here and we would like to highlight a pulse which goes particularly well in fresh, summertime recipes: the lentil. Whether you’ve never cooked lentils yet, are a pulse-enthusiastic or an advanced cook, join us on Thursday 14th July for an inspiring summer cooking session!
With her contagious enthusiasm, chef Claudia of the young German company heldenküche will walk you through the recipe for a colourful lentil salad with roasted seasonal vegetables. Through her “Concept versus recipe” approach you will develop an understanding of the ingredients and their combinations, learn how to express your taste and make the magic happen in your kitchen. Time to put your chefs hats on and shine!
Through the dish preparation we’ll invite you to a lively pulses-journey. Cecilia Antoni, one of the first food bloggers worldwide to specialise in pulses, will give you tips and tricks. We’ll travel through Europe and beyond to discover various dietary and culinary traditions. Finally, we’ll make time for all the participants to exchange recipes and be inspired for healthy meal ideas for this season. Therefore, we ask you to bring your own favourite recipe with lentils, if you have one (or with other pulses). Join us to celebrate the culinary diversity of pulses!
Lisa Hoffmann