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Course on soybean production and processing
A part-time certified course has been developed by Sonia-ProQ and its project partners for soybean processors, teachers in agricultural schools, consultants and interested farmers. Consisting of seven blocks, mixed online and in presence, this course will give you...
Legume Generation project overview
The goal of the Legume Generation project is to boost the breeding of the major food and feed legume crops in Europe to support the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies by making legume crops more competitive on European farms and in value chains. This will...
Introduction to Microbiomes4Soy
What is Microbiomes4Soy? Why is it important? Who is involved? Microbiomes4Soy is a European funded project that aims to develop microbiome-based knowledge and awareness in order to establish sustainable food systems. Exploring plant microbiomes to develop...